Anyone who knows me knows I love planning, and this year I am trying to be better with my money, instead of going crazy in the sales. They say that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail; and I am trying to be successful at grabbing some new pieces for my 2021 wardrobe while spending within my budget.
My top tip for spending in the sales is having a goal, consider:
- What do I need in my wardrobe?
- What are the pieces I am missing?
- What do I want in my wardrobe?
With that in mind before the sales go live, the best tip I can give is to research what you want and take the links down because more often than not, these items will go into the sale. The way I do it is by recording the links to the items I want in my magical Google doc.
Here is a snippet of my Google doc as of 18th Dec 2020. It is a work in progress, but I am really trying to be as minimal/selective as I can and be realistic with my “must haves”
By planning out what I want to buy means I can:
- Stick to a budget and not mindlessly overspend; and
- Avoid disappointment with items being sold out because it takes out the time searching on the day. You can pop items straight in your basket and you are finished.
Most people do their shopping online, however if you happen to go out on Boxing day or in the New Year, you can still find some really nice bits that may not be online. Tip – the later you go in January, the better, after the rush of the New Year, shops tend to reduce products periodically. The only downside is that the most popular items tend to sell out.
Your turn.
I have created a template so you can copy and paste it into your own document and get going. You can access this Google document here… Access is totally free:
Drop me a comment if you find this useful.
Dom xx